
1) Follow the trail to the rocks.
2) Climb over them, and get through until you get the notice.
3) Follow the coordinates and find a house where you can rest on the bed (regain your health) and find the following coordinates (you need to approach the message on the wall).
4) Follow the coordinates and find the dead man.
5) After that, follow the coordinates to the abandoned house.
6) In the abandoned house you can also rest (regain health) and find the following coordinates (hint: you should go behind the house on the hill).
7) After finding the warship, you need to jump off the bow of the ship onto the rocks and return to land.
8) Follow the coordinates to the old airplane and move to the small island.
9) Explore the shore and find the boat.
10) Watch the short cutscene, and it's the end of the game.

(From the developer: in the new version everything will be different, because I don't like that coordinates are used only to go from point A to point B.)

Get Coordi.Nates [Demo version 1.3.0]

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